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   /ba-ngwe /



Idiom: Go palama ka mekwatla ya ba bangwe : To climb up on other people's shoulders

Proverb: Ga ke thata ke le nosi, ke thata ka ba bangwe : Alone there is no strenght, but strength is with companions

Proverb: Monna ga ipolele, o bolelwa ke ba bangwe : It is not for a man to praise himself

Proverb: Mpotlane wa go potla tsa ba bangwe fela, tsa ga bo di sa potlwe ke ope : A selfish person who take from others but his are his alone

Proverb: Tsa gago ke tsa bangwe : You will pay for your actions

Proverb: Tsaya malebela mo mesegong ya ba bangwe : Take a note from the cuts of others

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