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Idiom: Go bipa mpa ka mabele : To hide a secret

Idiom: Go kgora ka mpa tsoo pedi : To eat too much

Idiom: Go tlhaba-tlhaba mpa ka mmutlwa : To spoil a good thing

Proverb: Ga a wa, o ribame ka mpa ya sebete : He have complete fell from grace

Proverb: Maragana teng a bana ba mpa ga a tsenwe : A feud between family or friends needs no intervention

Proverb: Mpa thotobolo, e olela gotlhe : A hungry person will each every food

Proverb: Naana ya ngaka ke mpa : An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest

Proverb: Pelesa e belega ka mpa : Food give energy to work

Proverb: Phokoje wa motsetse ga ana bowa jwa mpa : People in a glass house must never through stones

Proverb: Seboba re bata sa mokwatla, sa mpa re a mpampetsa : Blood is thicker than water. People will favour their own in any situation

Proverb: Tsa bana ba mpa ga di tsenwe : A feud between family or friends needs no intervention

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