Welcome to Setswana.co.za

Setswana was the first translated language in South Africa with the translation of the English Bible in the early 1800s, yet it remains the least spoken indigenous language is South Africa, due to its historical and political legacy.

The batswana history has been misrepresented as well as undermined purposefully to muffle its presence as part of the larger south african inhabitation. This has been due partly to false notion that batswana people leave in Botswana and are therefore secondary citizen in south africa. This misrepresentation also contributed to low statistical count of tswana inhabitants as most batswana attempt to fall out of the group to avoid discrimination and lack of benefitiation.

A Tswana to English dictionary with terms, phrases

Batswana are united by their culture and tradition

Our celebrations are rich in music and dancing

Our culture promotes self sustainance and botho (ubuntu)

Our gorgeous fashion is classic and timeless